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건강 간식 추천 Healthy snacks to enjoy

샬롯도블라도스 2018. 7. 4. 07:11

We can experience problems like in between-meals munchies or snacks arise and no time to pack any of healthy snacks to enjoy. There are many tempting boxes like the vending machine, weeks'-old food in the fridge that seems like a laboratory experiment, and the lanes in convenience stores.



Here are some of the list of healthy snacks to enjoy better than junk foods, note that they taste good too! Some are high in protein for building muscle, others are energy giver, and are good for you. Be always healthy because health is wealth! Enjoy these with family and friends every time everywhere!



1. Mixed nuts in one bowl is enjoyable! Nuts like almonds, peanuts, and cashews add more protein and healthy unsaturated fats to our diet. While walnuts have low-carb diet, and lofty levels of mega-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. It's one pack on the go snack from the list of healthy snacks to enjoy better.




2. Dried plums (aka prunes) having sour to some sweet taste are ideal when we crave for something sweet or need energy. Researchers discovered that fiber-rich dried fruit favorably impacts blood sugar and appetite-regulating hormones. Give kids a bunch of these before every meal and see the difference.




3. Stone-fruit apricots, anyone? It is a lower-sugar option (about 8 grams per two fruits).



4. Do you love pumpkin seeds or pepitas? Source of whole-food protein about 7 grams in a crunchy serving.




5. This thick delicious Greek-style yogurts contain twice as much protein as regular versions, supplying about 23 grams of protein in each cup serving. You'll also get probiotic bacteria and bone-building calcium.




Share Healthy Snacks To Enjoy instead of junk foods.
